Бєсѣда:Мєждоународьнъ мѣръ сѷстима

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Википєдїѩ · отврьстꙑ єнкѷклопєдїѩ · страница

Since Kelvin’s name (from which the name of the unit kelvin is directly derived) was pronounced /ˈkɛlvɪn/, and since in Old Church Slavonic ь was pronounced /ɪ/ or some similar sound according to most common reconstructions, why do we borrow the word with и /i/ instead? —Vorziblix (бєсѣда) 12:37, дєкємврїꙗ 1 числа, 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ь is short vowel. /ɪ/ is not necessary the short vowel. Latin letter I in actual Old Church Slavic writing is usually transcribed as И, inventing some additional stuff for allophones makes things more complicated for other editors while still being a specullation. --ОилЪ (бєсѣда) 12:55, дєкємврїꙗ 1 числа, 2016 (UTC)[reply]

How come Ampère is called Ѧпєръ if words in OCS can't begin with Ѧ? ДєтєрмїнантЪ-Х҃ѮЅ (бєсѣда) 20:57, їоунїꙗ 27 числа, 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Because it is not native Slavic word but the loanword. ОилЪ (бєсѣда) 14:25, їоулїꙗ 2 числа, 2018 (UTC)[reply]

"ѷ" in 10 - 11 centuries may be or not? In my opinion, not. Must be "у" in words contains greek "ypsilon". Kirill-Hod (бєсѣда) 12:41, сєптємврїꙗ 5 числа, 2023 (UTC)[reply]