Википєдїѩ бєсѣда:Ѩꙁꙑка съвѣтъ
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translation needed
[исправлѥниѥ источьна обраꙁа]Hello ОилЪ, can u translate the following into Old Church Slavonic. -- Vēnī‧vīdī‧scrīpsī [DM] 15:15, фєвроуарїꙗ 26 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- That's kinda tricky question. Original Old Church Slavic has no vocabulary for lingustic terms except basic things like "letter", "word", "language". So one would have to rely on Greek loanwords or someting like that. Another thing is if you actually want to start Wiktionary, I'm afraid it is not possible anyway. Current Wikimedia Foundation policy doesn't allow creating any new projects written in classical languages except for Wikisource. ОилЪ (бєсѣда) 02:44, мартїꙗ 1 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- I did notice that either. Sorry for bothering you. I'll will create some things on the incubator test and see if they approve the project. -- Vēnī‧vīdī‧scrīpsī [DM] 17:48, мартїꙗ 1 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- noun = имѧ сѫщьствꙑтельно from the noun сѫщьство + suffix тел҄ьно
- verb = глаголъ
- adjective = имѧ прилагательно from the verb прилагати + suffix тел҄ьно
- adverb = нарѣчьѥ
- pronoun = мѣстоименьѥ from the words мѣсто and имѧ
- preposition = прѣдълогъ from the verb прѣдъложити
- participle = причѧстьѥ
- conjunction = съвѫꙁъ
- interjection = междѹмѣтьѥ
- article = члѣнъ
- prefix = прѣдъставка from the words прѣдъ and the verb ставити
- suffix = наставка form prefix на + the verb ставити
- particle = чѧсть
- letter = боукꙑ
- symbol = обраꙁъ
- number/numeral = число
- phrase = словосъчетаньѥ from the words слово and съчетаньѥ
- proverb = притъча
- and;
- etymology = етѷмологїꙗ
- pronunciation = профора from the Greek word προφορά
- translation = прѣводъ
- derived terms = проиꙁводьнꙑи словеса
- related terms = съвѧꙁанꙑи словеса
- synonyms = сѷнѡнѷма
- antonyms = антѡнѷма
- abbreviation = сѷнтомографїꙗ
- homonyms = омѡнѷма
- holonyms = олѡнѷма
- hyponyms = ѵпѡнѷма
- hypernyms = ѵпернѷма
- meronyms = мерѡнѷма
- paronyms = парѡнѷма
- chronology = хронологїꙗ
- descendants = потомъ
- conjugation = поклон҄енѥ
- declension = склон҄енѥ
- see also = ꙁьрите такожде
- reference = источьникъ
- and;
- nominative case = именительнъ падѣжъ
- accusative case = винительнъ падѣжъ
- genetive case = родительнъ падѣжъ
- locative case = мѣстенъ падѣжъ
- dative case = дательнъ падѣжъ
- instrumental = творительнъ падѣжъ
- vocative case = ꙁвательнъ падѣжъ
- singular = число ѥдиньство
- dual = число дъвоиство
- plural = число мъножьство
- masculine = мѫжьскъ родъ
- feminine = женьскъ родъ
- neuter = срѣдьн҄ь родъ
- Hello ОилЪ, can u please check the above for spelling and if it's good re back to me. Thank you kindly. -- Vēnī‧vīdī‧scrīpsī [DM] 21:59, мартїꙗ 22 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- There’s so many things wrong here, I don’t even know where to start. What in the world is this "-н҄енѥ" form? You can see the correct forms (-аниѥ, -ѥниѥ, -єниѥ, -ѣниѥ) everywhere here. Modern Bulgarian/Russian stuff does not work in Old Church Slavic (for example, глаголъ means "word, speech", not "verb"); "translation" is "тлъкованиѥ". Ъ is not used after Ж (and Ш, Щ, Ч and Ц in proper normalisation), only Ь is. "число ѥдиньство" and so on do not make sense, those are two nouns, while you need noun and adjective (see correct example here Помощь:О-иꙁмѣнѥниѥ, but I would rather use "соугоубо" instead of "дъвоичьно"). "потомь" means "after, soon", not "descendants" (прѣимьници maybe). From stuff like "съвѧꙁанꙑи словеса" I can see that you do not know how plural adjectives work. Unicode standard recommend to use є instead of е, and оу instead of ѹ. Sorry for not being ОйЛ. --Ѳєрапѡнтъ Соꙋсовъ (бєсѣда) 19:16, мартїꙗ 23 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- Ѳєрапѡнтъ Соꙋсовъ thank you for taking the time to replay on this post, since there is no any active user here. I want to learn the Old Church Slavonic, but I'm still confused with the grammatical cases. Unfortunately we don't have cases in Bulgarian. Only as part of the pronoun. So it's complex. As for the things you wrote: -енѥ seems to be wrong. It needs to be еньѥ, ениѥ ение (ѡ обрадованьи намъ вꙿсѣмъ намъ. ꙇ поклонение стѹмѹ имени гю помоли) or this "-аниѥ, -ѥниѥ, -єниѥ, -ѣниѥ". Do you have little time to translate this by using some old words, or Greek loanwords, not new stuff. I'll be very happy. P.S. if I use є I'll be not able to find the words which I'm creating, since we do not have є in our alphabet. -- Vēnī‧vīdī‧scrīpsī [DM] 21:03, мартїꙗ 23 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- Well, first of all I would like to ask whether you actually need those words. If you want to have Old Church Slavic dictionary in Wiktionary format, it is not necessary to create brand new Wiktionary only for that because existing ones already cover Old Church Slavic. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to use and explore that instead? --Ѳєрапѡнтъ Соꙋсовъ (бєсѣда) 17:53, мартїꙗ 27 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- Ѳєрапѡнтъ Соꙋсовъ thank you for taking the time to replay on this post, since there is no any active user here. I want to learn the Old Church Slavonic, but I'm still confused with the grammatical cases. Unfortunately we don't have cases in Bulgarian. Only as part of the pronoun. So it's complex. As for the things you wrote: -енѥ seems to be wrong. It needs to be еньѥ, ениѥ ение (ѡ обрадованьи намъ вꙿсѣмъ намъ. ꙇ поклонение стѹмѹ имени гю помоли) or this "-аниѥ, -ѥниѥ, -єниѥ, -ѣниѥ". Do you have little time to translate this by using some old words, or Greek loanwords, not new stuff. I'll be very happy. P.S. if I use є I'll be not able to find the words which I'm creating, since we do not have є in our alphabet. -- Vēnī‧vīdī‧scrīpsī [DM] 21:03, мартїꙗ 23 числа, 2017 (UTC)
- There’s so many things wrong here, I don’t even know where to start. What in the world is this "-н҄енѥ" form? You can see the correct forms (-аниѥ, -ѥниѥ, -єниѥ, -ѣниѥ) everywhere here. Modern Bulgarian/Russian stuff does not work in Old Church Slavic (for example, глаголъ means "word, speech", not "verb"); "translation" is "тлъкованиѥ". Ъ is not used after Ж (and Ш, Щ, Ч and Ц in proper normalisation), only Ь is. "число ѥдиньство" and so on do not make sense, those are two nouns, while you need noun and adjective (see correct example here Помощь:О-иꙁмѣнѥниѥ, but I would rather use "соугоубо" instead of "дъвоичьно"). "потомь" means "after, soon", not "descendants" (прѣимьници maybe). From stuff like "съвѧꙁанꙑи словеса" I can see that you do not know how plural adjectives work. Unicode standard recommend to use є instead of е, and оу instead of ѹ. Sorry for not being ОйЛ. --Ѳєрапѡнтъ Соꙋсовъ (бєсѣда) 19:16, мартїꙗ 23 числа, 2017 (UTC)